Make student schedule changes using the matrix

Make changes to a student’s schedule using the Workspace matrix. The Matrix view is a more visual tool for making schedule changes because you can drag and drop course requestsClosed courses that students have requested to attend for the next school term to any available matrix cells.

To make student schedule changes using the Workspace matrix:

  1. Log on to the School view.
  2. Select Student > Schedule.
  3. On the Schedule side-tab, click Workspace. Either the List view or Matrix view appears. If you are not on the Matrix view, click Matrix view in the top-right corner of the page. (When you are in Matrix view, you will see List view at the top.)
  • Workspace page, Matrix view
  • If your school allows future student schedule changes, use the View and make changes as of field to select a future date.

    The course requests appear on the left side of the page, while the student’s current schedule appears in a matrix format on the right side of the page.

    On the Course Requests side of the page, primary and alternate requests are separated. You can click, drag, and drop requests between the primary and alternate requests to switch a request from primary to alternate, or vice versa.

    If your school allows future student schedule changes, any future schedule changes appear beneath Pending Student Schedule Changes below the Alternate Requests section.

  1. In the Course Requests area, you can do the following:
    • Click to remove a request from the list.
    • To view details about the request, click a course number. Requests that are not scheduled appear in red.
    • To let the system ignore maximum enrollment numbers for that course when you reschedule, select the Allow over max checkbox next to a course request.
    • To show any of the student’s requests for courses that are not scheduled, select the Show courses excluded from scheduling checkbox.
    • To add course requests, you can either enter a list of specific course numbers and click Add, or click Select to select courses.
    • To delete all course requests, click Drop All.
    • To add any courses the student is currently scheduled in to the list of course requests, click Update.
    • To schedule a course request, click and drag the request to the matrix. As you hover over the request, available sections for that request are highlighted in the matrix. If you drag and drop the course over to the schedule, the matrix shows when the course will be taken each period and day in the schedule.
  1. In the Pending Student Schedule Changes area, you can:
    • Select one or more course change checkboxes, and then click Delete to remove the pending schedule change.
    • Select one or more course change checkboxes, and then click Make Effective Now to make the pending schedule change effective as of the current day.
    • Click on the course section to display the details of the change.
  • On the Student Schedule side of the page, the student’s current schedule appears.
  • Student Schedule page

  1. At the top of the Student Schedule side of the page, do the following:
    • Select the Term code to determine which term you want to view the schedule for.
    • At the Work mode field, select Manual to manually drag and drop courses between periods and days on the matrix to find the best place for each course on the student’s schedule. Or, select Auto-Shuffle to have the system determine the next best place to put a course in the student’s schedule, as you move course requests onto the schedule.
    • Select the Allow conflicts checkbox to if you want to schedule the student in any course section you select, despite any conflicts with course sections on his or her schedule.
    • Select the Allow all over max checkbox to allow the student to be scheduled in any class, even if the maximum enrollment has been exceeded.
    • Select the Allow over inclusion ratio/count checkbox if you want to schedule the student in any inclusion section of a course you select, even if the maximum ratio or count for inclusion students has been reached.
  1. Then, within each cell, view the current course scheduled for that day and period. Click to drop a course, or click to lock or unlock the course on the student’s schedule.
  • If a cell is empty, meaning no course is scheduled during that period and day, you can do the following:
    • Click, drag, and drop a course from the list of student’s course requests.
    • Click in the empty cell. The Schedule Master pick list appears, filtered to the period you clicked. From here you can add a course section.
    • Type a number in the Course field at the bottom of the page, and click Add. Select the Ignore warnings checkbox if you want to schedule the student in the course despite any conflicts.
    • Click Select to select a section from the Master Schedule pick list.
    • Click Drop All to clear the student’s schedule.
    • Click Reschedule to create a new schedule for the student based on the list of course requests. If you want to reschedule, you can click Lock All to lock any sections currently on the student’s schedule. The system reschedules the student around the courses you lock on the student’s schedule.
  1. At the bottom of the Student Schedule side of the page, click Post to save all changes you made to the student’s schedule. Or, click Revert to return the student’s schedule to the schedule that was previously saved.
    Note: Since Revert discards modifications made since the previous post, it allows you to test possible changes. If the changes do not work for the student, you can go back to the original schedule by clicking this button.