View Trend scores to guide instruction

With each standard score you enter for an assignment, Aspen uses the Power Law calculation to calculate a Trend score.

Trend scores determine student progress in meeting each standard. Each student’s goal is to ‘trend up’; meaning students should perform better on a standard towards the end of a term after more instruction and practice. To do this, the Power Law applies a heavier weight to scores entered later in the grade term.

To see Trend scores for all standards and all students in a class:

  1. Log on to the Staff view.
  2. Select Gradebook > select a class > Scores. The Scores page appears.
  3. At View, click Standards.
  4. At Standard, use the drop-down to select Trends.


    • For each student, a column with their current Trend score appears for each standard.
    • At the bottom of the Scores page, the Average score row shows the average Trend score for each standard.
  5. Use this information to determine how students in your class are progressing in meeting this standard. For example, you might ask and answer the following questions:
    • For the number of assignments you have provided instruction for this standard, are students' Trend scores where they should be?
    • Are a few students having trouble with a specific standard?
    • Are you confident, based on all students' Trend scores for one standard, that you no longer have to practice and assess that specific standard?

    Entering and evaluating standards' Trend scores throughout the term gives you insight you can use to guide your instruction, often answering the question: "What do I need to cover tomorrow?"

Example: A teacher attaches standards to several assignments to observe trends over the course of a term.

As the term progresses and students complete their assignments, the teacher notices performance trends. To view trends for a specific standard, the teacher selects it at the Standard drop-down.

Then, to view overall trends for the standards, the teacher selects Trends at the Standard drop-down.