Restore passwords and deleted course sections

It is possible that an Aspen system administrator might accidentally use the reset password functionality to reset passwords for some or all of their users. Or, a user might accidentally delete course sections from the master schedule.

Look to the Data Restore table to see the original data values for passwords that have been reset, along with master course sections that have been deleted.

Note: To give users the ability to restore passwords or deleted course sections, you must enable the user security role privilege, "Restore data" (in the Organization category). This privilege must be enabled with the ability to create (C) and update (U) records on the list (User, Section).

To view the details of a password reset:

  1. Log on to the District view.
  2. Click the Global tab, All side-tab. The All Tables page appears.
  3. Find and click Data Restore. The Data Restore table appears:
  • This table provides a list of occurrences for the type of Password Reset or Section Delete.
  1. Use the following table to identify which passwords or sections have been reset or deleted:
  2. Field


    Create time The time the record was created.

    The name of the user who completed the initial reset or deletion.


    The data change type.


    The number of records that were affected by the reset or deletion.

    Blob field

    Identifying information about the records to be restored.

    File system

    The SQL scripts to undo the action performed.

    Restore time The time the records were restored.
    Name The name of the user who ran the restore process.

Restoring Passwords that Have Been Reset

  1. Click the Admin tab. The Users page appears.
  2. On the Options menu, click Restore Passwords. Step 1 of the Restore Data wizard appears:
  • Note: Each record is identifiable by date and time only.

  1. Select the record you want to restore, and then click Next. Step 2 of the wizard appears:
  1. Click Finish. The SQL scripts will run automatically, and the data will be restored.

Note: A message appears when the selected records have been restored.

Restoring Deleted Course Sections

  1. Log on to the School view.
  2. Click the Schedule tab. The Master Schedule page appears.
  3. On the Options menu, click Restore Deleted Section. Step 1 of the Restore Data wizard appears.
  4. Follow steps 3-4 in Restoring Passwords that Have Been Reset.

Note: Data restore records will be deleted during the End-of-Year rollover. There is also a Delete Data Restore Records procedure, which can be set up to run as a scheduled job to delete records more frequently than once per year.