Define District (Root Organization) Staff preferences

In the District view, define staff preferences such as the codes you use to indicate that a staff member is a substitute or administrator.

To define staff preferences:

  1. Log on to the District view.
  2. Click the District tab.
  3. On the Setup side-tab, click Preferences. The general preferences page appears.
  4. Click the Category drop-down to select Staff. The staff preferences appear:
  1. Use the following table to enter information in the fields:
  2. Field Description


    Active code

    Select the code to indicate that a staff member is active.

    Substitute code

    Select a code, such as Substitute, to indicate that a staff member is a substitute.

    When you are in the Staff tab, Details side-tab, and select Substitute for a staff member, that person shows up as a possible sub when you mark a teacher absent.

    Administrator code

    Select a code, such as Administrator, to indicate that a staff member is an administrator.

    When you are in the Staff tab, Details side-tab, and go to the Type field, administrator will display for staff members who have been indicated. These staff members will appear on administrator pick lists. Also, only administrators can own a conduct incident.

    Local ID Number

    The following section is necessary to generate local ID numbers for staff members.

    Require unique IDs

    Select this checkbox if staff members are required to have unique local IDs.

    Auto assign

    Select this checkbox for Aspen to automatically assign a Local Idpupil number to staff members in your district.

    You only define a value for the Next Value, Increment, Length, and Prefix fields if you select this checkbox.

    Next value

    Type the number you want the system to use to start Local Id number generation. Then, the system updates this number with each new staff member.


    Type a value that determines the sequence of numbers the system uses to automatically assign Local Ids.


    Type the length of the Local Id number.

    This length does not include the value you define in the Prefix field.


    Type a prefix for all Local Ids in your district.

  1. Click Save.