Create an extracurricular program

Set up an extracurricular program, such as a sports team or academic club, in the District (Root Organization) view.

Note: You must have the appropriate user role privileges to create an extracurricular program.

To create an extracurricular program:

  1. Log on to the District (Root Organization) view.
  2. Select Extracurriculars > Extracurricular Programs.
  3. Select Options > Add. The Extracurricular Programs details page appears.
  1. Use this table to enter information in the fields:
  2. Field Description


    Type the program's name.

    Program ID

    Enter a unique identifier for the program.


    Type a description of the program.


    Click to select the type of extracurricular program, and then click OK. These codes are from the Extracurricular Activity Program Types reference table, and can be modified.


    Click to select the sub-type of extracurricular program, and then click OK. These codes are from the Extracurricular Activity Program SubTypes reference table, and can be modified.


    Once you select this checkbox, the program can appear in the School view.

    Note: You must also associate the program with specific schools.

    Roster Lock Date

    Enter the date when users can no longer add students to, or delete students from, the program's roster.

    Note: Users must have the Override Roster Lock privilege enabled to make changes to the roster on or after this date (District [Root Organization] view, Admin > Security > Roles > Extracurricular category).

    Start Date

    Enter the date the activity begins.

    End Date

    Enter the date the activity ends.

    Year ID

    Click to select the school year for the activity, and then click OK.

  1. Click Save.

Next you can set eligibility criteria for students to join the program.