Enter and view student details

Enter or view details such as address, year of graduation, homeroom, and activities for each student.

To enter or view details for a student:

  1. Log on to the District, School, or Staff view.
  2. Click Student, then search for and select the student.
  3. Click Details. The Details page for that student displays the Demographics, Addresses, Activities, Alerts, and Photo sub-tabsClosed row of buttons across the top of the Aspen user interface.


    • Aspen features two address formats: a grid format, and the multiple address format. To use the grid format, follow the steps below. To use the multiple address format, see Record and track student, staff, and contact addresses.

    • The phone numbers and email addresses on the Demographics tab belong to the student and may not be the same as the parent's or guardian's contact information.

  1. To enter information on the Addresses sub-tab, at the Address line 1 field, do the following:
    1. Type an address.
    2. To use the optional validation tool to ensure the address is entered in the correct format, click Validate address icon. to validate the format of the address. See Validating address format.
    3. Click Search icon. to select an address already in the district. If you select an address shared by another person in the district, the Shared Address pop-up displays the people the address is shared with. This will list students, staff, contacts, or any person. It can also be a family address. Selecting an address shares this address between the students and other people at that address, and joins this student to a family with the others at this address. If either already has a family, that family is used. Otherwise, the system creates a new family for both.
    4. Click the Shared Address icon Shared Address icon to view who this address is shared with. Confirm that the people listed with the address are correct. You can click Clear to delete this address for the current student, or you can click Detach to make a copy of the address for this student, separating the student from others who share it. An X appears over the shared address icon to indicate that an address is not shared. See Auditing Records.
    Note: If you change a physical address that is shared, the 'You are changing a shared physical address' pop-up appears after you click Save. If you change a mailing address that is shared, the 'You are changing a shared mailing address' pop-up appears after you click Save. Click Add All, or select a name and click Add to add the people that share the original address to the new address.

    If you change an address, the address is listed in the Address Changes widget in the School view for all schools with students that share that address.

    Note: In order for the address changes to be listed on the Home page, the auditClosed view and investigate changes to information in specific fields or by a specific user trailClosed view and investigate changes to information in specific fields or by a specific user must be enabled for the Address table and all its fields.
  1. You can import the student's photo on the Photo sub-tab.
  2. Click each sub-tab, and enter or view the information.
    Note: You do not have to save the information you enter on each sub-tab. For example, you can enter a student’s demographics, then go to the Activities sub-tab and enter that information. When you click Save on the Activities sub-tab, the information you entered on both the Activities and Demographics sub-tabs is saved.
  1. Click Save.