Create an event for an extracurricular program

Create an event for an extracurricular program. You can indicate whether a program administrator should take attendance for it.

Example: A concert or practice session could be set up as an event for a musical extracurricular program. A game, match, or invitational could be events for a sports program.
Note: Your district's or school's preference determines whether the event appears on the student's calendar in the Student and Family portals, and whether the student's name appears on the event's attendance roster.

To create an event for an extracurricular program:

  1. Do one of the following:
    • Log on to the School view. Select Extracurriculars > Extracurricular Activities.
    • Log on to the Staff view. Select My Info > Extracurricular Activities.
  2. Select the program, and then click Events on the side-tab.
  3. Select Options > Add. The New Extracurricular Event page appears.
  1. Use the following table to enter information into the fields:
  • Field Description


    Enter a name or description for the event.


    Type the date of the event, or click Select Date icon. to select the date.


    Enter the event's start time.

    Duration in minutes

    Enter how long the event will be.


    Click , and select the type of event from the Reference Picklist, such as a conference or a match.

    Attendance Tracking

    Select this checkbox if you want a program administrator to take attendance at the event.

    Note: Any program administrator can take attendance, even if they are not the program manager.


    Enter the event's location.

  1. Click Save.