Qualification List Report by Teacher

Qualification lists are a way to search for and list students who meet one or more grade criteria. For example, you can create qualification lists to identify students for honor roll or sport ineligibility.

You can sort qualification listsClosed a way to search for and list students who meet one or more grade criteria, such as for the honor roll by teacher. This is especially helpful for a qualification list that includes students with incomplete grades. The report sorts students by teacher, then the office can distribute the lists to the appropriate teachers.

To run the Qualification List report by teacher:

  1. Log on to the School view.
  2. Select Grades > Transcripts.
  3. On the Reports menu, click Qualification List by Teacher. The Qualification List By Teacher pop-up appears.
  1. Use the following table to fill in the fields:
  2. Field Description

    School year

    Select the school year.

    Transcript column

    Select the transcript column you want the system to use to determine who qualifies for the list, according to the criteria your Aspen system administrator defines.


    Click this drop-down to select the qualification list category.

    Grades to include

    Select to include either qualifying grades only or all grades. For example, if you run an incomplete list, you can include all student grades or incomplete grades only.

    Students to include

    Click the drop-down to select All or YOG.

    Search value

    If you selected YOG at the Students to include field, type a year.

    Sort students by

    Click the drop-down to select Name or YOG.


    Select a report format.

  1. Click Run. The system displays the report in the format you select.