Define and set the district school year

Define the dates of your school year. Aspen references these dates when you create school calendars, grading terms, and school schedules.

To define the school year for your district:

  1. Log on to the District view.
  2. Select District > School Years. The School Years page appears.
  3. Select Options > Add.
  4. On the New School Year Context page, enter the appropriate information.


    • The school year is always the ending year, such as 2021 for the 2020-2021 school year.
    • The start date and end date do not have to be accurate at this point in time. The dates just need to encompass all possible school dates for next year (be careful not to overlap dates from the previous school year. And do not forget to update the dates prior to the end-of-year rollover).

  1. Click Save.

To set the school year for your district:

  1. From the School Years page, select Options > Set School Year....
  2. In the Set Current School Year pop-up, select the current school year.
  3. Click OK.
    Note: Your Aspen system administrator sets the school year during the summer break, usually around the time you commit your schedule.