Create an override for a grade scale's grade

If your district has enabled grade scale overrides in its preferences, you can create an override for a grade scale's grade. Use an override to remove a grade, or modify its values, for selected school(s) and/or course(s).

Example: You do not want the Ames Middle School to use the A+ grade. You create an override that removes A+ from the middle school grade scale, and associate it with the Ames Middle School. Or, you want to create an override to prevent an A+ grade for specific classes at that school, such as Phys Ed. If a Phys Ed teacher enters A+ on her Scores page, an error message appears.

To create an override for a grade scale's grade:

  1. Log on to the District view.
  2. Select Grades > Grades Scales.
  3. Select the grade scale, and then under Grades Scales, click Grades.
  4. Click the grade you want to create the override for. The grade scale's grade page appears.
  5. Select Options > Add Override.
  1. You modify the values or codes on this page. At the Override type drop-down, do one of the following:
    • Select Remove to hide this grade at selected school(s) and/or course(s).
    • Select Replace to modify this grade's values or code for selected school(s) and/or course(s).
  1. At School(s), click Add. Select the school(s) associated with this override, and then click OK.
    Note: You can skip this step, and select specific courses in step 11.
  1. Click Save.
  2. To associate this override with specific courses, select the override (Grade Scales side-tab > Grades > Overrides), and then under Overrides, click Courses.
  3. Select Options > Add Courses. The School Course Pick List appears.
  1. Use this table to fill in the fields:
  2. Field


    School(s) Click to select one or more schools where this override will apply. Click OK.
    Course Catalog Select the year associated with the course(s).
    School Level Select the level associated with the course(s).
    School course pick list Find and select the checkbox(es) next to the course(s) associated with this override.
  1. Click OK.
    Note: When the course catalog is copied to the next build year, Aspen also copies the grade scale overrides.
    NoteOverrides and Courses only appear below the Grade Scales side-tab if the district has enabled the grade scale overrides preference.