Add content to the header of a curriculum map

The first item on a curriculum map is the header topic. This topic provides the highest level of information for the map, such as the course information.

To add content to the header topic of a curriculum map:

  1. Log on to the District view.
  2. Click the Assessment tab.
  3. Click the Curriculum Maps side-tab.
  4. Select the curriculum map you have not added any topics to yet, and click Chart on the side-tab.
  5. On the timeline, select the map header topic, and click Edit. A pop-up containing the elements of the map topic header document structure appears.
  1. Use the following table to enter information into the fields at the top of the pop-up:
    Note: If this curriculum map and its information already exists in another document format, such as Microsoft Word or Excel, you can copy and paste text from that document to the appropriate elements and fields in Aspen IMS to save time.
  1. Field



    Type a name for the header topic. This is the highest level topic in the map that might provide an overview of the map.

    Start day

    Type the number of the school day that a teacher should begin to teach this map topic.

    Note: This is the number of instruction days (days on which the course is scheduled).

    For example, if a teacher should begin a topic on the first day of school, type 1. The next unit might start on day 21.

    Meeting days

    Type the number of days this topic should be covered.

    For example, if this curriculum map covers an entire school year, you might enter 180 for the duration of the course.

    Header Structure Name

    The header structure name you selected when you defined the details of the curriculum map appears.

  1. The remainder of the pop-up contains the elements that were defined when the document structure for this curriculum map was created.
  1. For each element, click My Resources to access your personal resources and any shared resources, including district resources, you want to add to a topic.
    Note: Although you can click, drag, and drop any items from My Resources to this header topic, these resources are not available to teachers in the Staff view. Therefore, Follett recommends you add resources to map topics other than the map topic header.

  1. At the bottom of the pop-up, you can align this map topic header to standards.
    Note: You should align course-level standards to the map topic header; the standards you select for this map topic header act as primary standards for the entire map and limit the standards that are available to choose from for each map topic in the map.
  1. At the top of the page, do any of the following:
    • Click Save and Close to save the information for the topic.
    • Click Save to save the information you enter without closing the pop-up.
    • Click Revert to return to the information you had the last time the map topic was saved.
    • Click Print to print the map topic.
    • Click Delete to delete the map topic.