Create assignments across assignment categories

You can create multiple assignments, that belong to different assignment categories, at the same time.

Example: Create six new assignments – three in the Test category, and three in the Project category – at once.

To create assignments for one or more assignment categories:

  1. Log on to the Staff view.
  2. Click the Gradebook tab.
  3. Select a class, then click the Assignments side-tab.
  4. Select Options > Add Multiple Assignments. The Assignment pop-up appears.

  1. Use this table to enter information in the fields:



    Copies per category

    Enter the number of copies to create for each category specified. (You specify the categories at the next field.)


    Click Search icon. to see the Category pick list. Select the categories that you want to create the assignments for.

    Number of assignments to create

    This read-only field displays the number of copies you will create. (It is the number entered in Copies per category multiplied by the Number of assignments to create.)

    GB column name

    Type the name that you will use to identify this assignment on your Scores page.

    Assignment name

    Type a detailed name for the assignments.

    Date assigned

    This field defaults to today's date. To change the date, click Select Date icon..

    Due date

    This field defaults to today's date. To change the date, click Select Date icon..

    Grade Term

    This field defaults to the current term. You can change this value, if needed.


    Type the number of possible points a student can earn for the assignment.

    Visibility type

    If your students and their families use the Student and Family portals, the value you select determines what they can see for assignments in this category.

    Select one of the following:

    Private: Assignments do not appear in the Student or Family portals.

    Public: Assignments and grades appear in the portals.

    Public– no grades: Assignments appear in portals, but grades do not.

  1. Click Save. The new assignments appear. Each assignment has a unique name and is associated with the categories you selected.

    Example: If you entered 2 at Copies per category, then selected two categories, you will create four new assignments, two for each category.

You can edit the list of newly created assignments by selecting Modify List on the Options menu. Edit an assignment's details or add resources, as needed, by selecting it and clicking Details. Make your edits, and then click Save.

To see all of your assignments, click the Filter menu Filter icon. , and then select All Records.