Find a student (student search)

Available in the District/Organization and School views, the Student Search widget on the HomepageClosed the first page you see after logging on to Aspen lets you quickly access general demographic information for a particular student in your district.


  • If a student is flagged as semiprivate: The search results from the Student Search widget on an Intermediate Organization or School homepage for which a semiprivate student is not enrolled returns only Name, IDs, and Status. The Enable "private" student filter preference is not used for students who are flagged as “semiprivate”. See your Aspen system administrator for details.

Search results are listed with links for the school (District view) and student name. Click the school ID to open the School view for that school (if you have appropriate access). Click the student's name to access read-only demographic information.

Note: Your user role must have the appropriate privileges to access the Student Search widget.

To find a student:

  1. On the homepage, in the Student Search box, enter any of the following for the student whose information you want to access:
    • Local Id
    • State ID (SASIDClosed State Assigned Student Identifier)
    • [first name] [last name] (without the brackets)
    • [first name] [middle name] [last name]
    • [last name], [first name]
    • [last name], [first name] [middle name]
    • [last name]
    • Note: This search is not case sensitive (You can search for Brian, brian, or BRIAN and get the same results). Any time a name is entered, a "begins with" search is performed. Therefore, if you searched for Smith, J, you might get results for Smith, John and Smith, Jane. Also, you can use an asterisk (*) as a wildcard in any portion of the name. A search on Maurice *son could return results like Maurice Donaldson and Maurice Richardson.

      Student searh bar with "adams" typed in.

  1. Do either of the following (optional):
    • Select the Include Archive checkbox if you think the record you want to find has been archived.
    • In the School view, select the Secondary Students checkbox for the search to include the records of students who have a different primary school (such as vocational students who only take a few classes at the high school). In the District view, secondary students are automatically included in the search.
  1. Click Search. The system displays just one record if there is an exact match or multiple records if more than one student meets the search criteria.
  2. Note: If your search returns more than 100 records, the system will prompt you to narrow your search criteria.

    • For each record found, the system lists the student’s school, Local Id, SASID, name, year of graduation, and whether or not they have been archived. Also, the Quick Status alert icon appears.
    • Do any of the following:

      • Click the school name to go to the homepage for that school (District view).
      • Click to view the student’s current location and attendance information for the day.
      • Click the student’s name to access the Student pop-up, containing general demographic information: